
About us

Founded in 1902, the New Mexico Academy of Science has been in continuous existence since 1915. The Academy is a member of the National Association of Academies of Science (NAAS) and an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).  AAAS seeks to advance science, engineering, and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people. AAAS is now the world’s largest multidisciplinary scientific society and a leading publisher of cutting-edge research through its Science family of journals. AAAS has individual members in more than 91 countries around the globe.

The New Mexico Academy of Science works with teachers, state agencies, and the legislature to establish appropriate standards for the teaching of the sciences. Membership in the Academy is open to anyone interested in science, science education, or the other goals and programs of the Academy. Individuals engaged in scientific research or teaching at all levels are particularly encouraged to become members.

Our Mission

NMAS is committed to serving the state of New Mexico and its communities by publishing science and science education materials, giving recognition for contributions to science and science education, fostering scientific cooperation, raising public awareness of the importance of science and science education, and providing advice on matters related to science and science education.

Our programs

The Academy provides programs for scientists, students, teachers, and anyone interested in science.


For everyone

NMAS-sponsored events include an annual Research Symposium, public lectures at science museums, the NM Science Fiesta and publications.


For students & parents

NMAS offers support and opportunities for families and students in grades 6-12  who are interested in STEM fields.


For scientists & educators

From professional development to special awards, NMAS is here to support science education and educators in New Mexico.

Recent news

New Mexico Junior Academy of Science 2024 Competitions

New Mexico Junior Academy of Science 2024 Competitions

New Mexico Junior Academy of Science Paper Competition - state winners ...
2024 NMAS Board Meetings

2024 NMAS Board Meetings

Dates and locations for 2024 NMAS board meetings ...
Lynn Brandvold Awarded NMAS Emeritus Status

Lynn Brandvold Awarded NMAS Emeritus Status

Lynn Brandvold has been elected by the NMAS Board to be a Director Emeritus. This is a non-voting position and she shall serve for life, or until such time as she resigns. A Director Emeritus must have served as a regular voting Director and/or in the position of an officer who has, through his/her service to the Academy, demonstrated considerable ...