NMJAS overview

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NMJAS Competition Overview
The Junior Academy of Science Research Paper Competition has many of the elements of a science fair. Students plan, conduct, and evaluate a science or engineering project. Entries in the paper competition must report on a student’s actual experiment or project. Many students who compete in NMJAS also submit an entry in a science fair, although it is not required. Our emphasis is on communicating your research.
Any New Mexico student in grades 6-12 is eligible – all public, private and home-school students. There are 6 regions and 2 divisions (junior/senior). Entires are limited to single individuals. Team projects require separate approval from the regional director.
The process for completing a project is shown below:
There is a $15 entry fee for the project, and registration deadlines are generally in February or March. This fee covers all regional and state competitions.
Explore the links on the left for more information.