NMJAS 2023 Instructions for Judges

Instructions for regional judges

Thank you so very much for your valuable input of time and expertise. You are an indispensable part of the NMJAS Paper Competition.


San Juan region: papers received by February 17, oral presentations March 3
Northeast region: papers received by February 4, oral presentations March 11
Four Corners region: dates TBA
Central, Southeast and Southwest regions: papers received by March 6, oral presentations March 16

Judging manuscripts

  1. You will receive student manuscripts to review. The number depends on the region, division and number of judges available.
  2. Use the manuscript judging form before oral presentations. Note that the rating scale goes from 1-10; weights will be applied to determine total scores.
  3. Read the papers carefully and score them for each category – mechanics, clarity, analytical approach, thoroughness and creativity. Take into account where each paper came from; many rural areas have limited access to literature, mentors, equipment, and professional help.
  4. The regional director will let you know how to submit scores – in person, on line, or by email.

Judging oral presentations

  1. All presentations in a region or at the state will be done during the same session. The session may be in person or via Zoom. Each judge will score all presentations, even if they have not scored the manuscript.
  2. Each student has 10 minutes to present, with 5 minutes following for questions from judges. You may want to prepare a few questions in advance. 
  3. Use the oral presentation judging form to score the presentation and questioning session, as the student is presenting and immediately afterward. 
  4. The way that scores are complied will depend on how the session is held – on line or with in-person score sheets.
  5. Judges will select 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners during a caucus. The manuscript and presentation will be weighed equally for numerical scores, but discussion can change that order. It is possible to also award  honorable mentions.
  6. The regional or state director will notify students and award cash prizes.