Join the NMAS Board of Directors for 2022

Director-at-Large, representing any NM region
Vice President, to become President-Elect / President

Newsletter Editor 

This is the perfect opportunity to say We Believe in Science

The world-wide Covid -19 Pandemic set back student science studies for over a year.  NMAS needs science educators and professionals to continue its most important programs. NMAS is committed to serving the state of New Mexico and its communities by publishing science and science education materials, giving recognition for contributions to science and science education, fostering scientific cooperation, raising public awareness of the importance of science and science education, and providing advice on matters related to science and science education.

To apply, submit your name to a current board member.

President-Elect    Anton Sumali 
Vice President     Babu Chalamala
Secretary             Malva Knoll
Treasurer             Deb Thrall
Director-at Large   Margaret Showalter

NMAS is a member of  the National Association of Academies of Science (NAAS) and an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). NMAS is a 501(c)3.

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