Category: NMJAS
NMJAS 2023 Instructions for Judges
Judges links General links Instructions for regional judges Thank you so very much for your valuable input of time and expertise. You are an indispensable part of the NMJAS Paper Competition. Dates San Juan region: papers received by February 17, oral presentations March 3
Northeast region: papers received by February 4, ...
Northeast region: papers received by February 4, ...
NMJAS 2023 Notes for Judges
Judges links General links NMJAS Judging Philosophy
- Our primary purpose is to educate and encourage students. These are students who have spent time above and beyond their normal studies to do a research project, write a technical paper, and to defend it. These budding scientists and/or engineers look up to ...
NMJAS 2023 Presentation Guidelines
Student links General links 2023 Presentation notes The State finals for the NMJAS Paper Competition will be held in person on April 14 at the New Mexico Science and Engineering Fair in Socorro. Regional competitions may be in person or virtual, at the discretion of the regional director. Specific rules ...
Writing and formatting your manuscript
Student links General links Technical writing Technical papers differ from other expository compositions. When a scientist reads a journal article, she expects to see specific things in specific places: an abstract, enough information to replicate or evaluate the experimental approach, a summary and interpretation of the data, and references. Manuscripts ...
NMJAS 2023 Rules
Student links General links General Rules
- Although a project need not be entered in a science fair, the paper MUST reflect actual work by the student – scientific experimentation, theoretical work in an area of pure mathematics or physics, development of a computer model, or engineering project. Papers that simply ...
NMJAS 2023 Registration
Student links General links 2023 NMJAS Registration Registration deadlines and presentations dates vary by location, but generally February-March. For details, see Regional Information.If you have questions about the NMJAS program, please contact the director.
If you have questions or problems with the registration form, please contact the webmaster. "*" indicates required ...
If you have questions or problems with the registration form, please contact the webmaster. "*" indicates required ...
NMJAS Eligibility & registration
Student links General links Eligibility
- Any New Mexico student in grades 6-12 is eligible – all public, private and home-school students.
- Entires are limited to single individuals. Team projects require separate approval from the regional director.
- Although the project need not be entered in a science fair, the paper must reflect actual ...
NMJAS 2023 Regional Competition Information
General links 2023 State and Regional Competition Information State DirectorLynn Brandvold
Phone (505) 720-3040
Email Lynn.Brandvold@nmt.eduManuscripts for State Competition due 5:00 pm on March 31 and PowerPoint presentations are due 12:00 noon on April 12. Email both to Lynn Brandvold.Statewide oral competition date – April 14, 5:00 pm in Socorro
New Mexico Science and Engineering Fair – April ...
Phone (505) 720-3040
Email Lynn.Brandvold@nmt.eduManuscripts for State Competition due 5:00 pm on March 31 and PowerPoint presentations are due 12:00 noon on April 12. Email both to Lynn Brandvold.Statewide oral competition date – April 14, 5:00 pm in Socorro
New Mexico Science and Engineering Fair – April ...
NMJAS 2022 Senior Division First Place Award
DEVELOPING A CONTROL ALGORITHM AND SIMULATION FOR THRUST VECTOR CONTROLLED ROCKETS Andres Iturregui and Daniel Kim ABSTRACT In the past five years, SpaceX has revolutionized the aerospace industry by introducing a new rocket that can propulsively land. At the heart of these rockets, and virtually all orbital and suborbital spacecraft ...
Junior Academy of Science State & Regional Competition Winners 2022
Students from around the state participated in the New Mexico Junior Academy of Science Paper Competition during March and April of 2022. Students from 6 NM regions qualified to participate in the state competition held at New Mexico Tech on April 2, 2022. Senior Division State Competition Winners First Place, $400 ...