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NMJAS 2022 Scoring Entry
Judges' links General links Example judging forms I'm still working on these. It's not so easy to make the data entry form allow for entry of scores and add them together so that the judges sees the total before submitting. These forms use a 1-10 radio button scale and then ...
Writing your paper – archive version
Student links General links Writing your research paper Many students who compete also submit an entry in a science fair, although the Academy does not require that they do so. Entries in the paper competition, however, must report on the student's actual experiment or project. Our emphasis is on communication ...
NMJAS 2022 Registration
Student links General links NMJAS Registration 2022 Registration deadlines and presentations dates vary by location, but generally February-March. For details, see Regional Information.If you have questions that have not been answered on the website, please address them to This form is not ready to go yet. You can look; ...