New Mexico Junior Academy of Science 2024 Competitions

New Mexico Junior Academy of Science 2024 Competitions

The NM Junior Academy of Science regional and state competitions took place from February 2024 through April 2024. The Academy sponsors six geographic regions across the state, four of which held competitions in 2024. Students were judged on a written manuscript and a timed oral presentation of their own science ...
2024 NMAS Board Meetings

2024 NMAS Board Meetings

These are open meetings. Please contact the secretary at contact for directions or a zoom link. March 23, 10am - 3pm, Q Station May 18, 10am - noon, Q Station. July 20, 10am - noon, Q Station. September 21, 10am - noon, Q Station. November 2, time to be ...
Lynn Brandvold Awarded NMAS Emeritus Status

Lynn Brandvold Awarded NMAS Emeritus Status

Lynn Brandvold has been elected by the NMAS Board to be a Director Emeritus. This is a non-voting position and she shall serve for life, or until such time as she resigns. A Director Emeritus must have served as a regular voting Director and/or in the position of an officer ...