NMJAS 2023 Notes for Judges
NMJAS ‘s primary purpose is to educate and encourage students. This is not a PhD defense.
NMJAS ‘s primary purpose is to educate and encourage students. This is not a PhD defense.
Information for students on the oral presentation component of the 2023 JMJAS competition.
Rules for writing and formatting a manuscript for the NMJAS 2023 Paper Competition.
Student links General links 2023 NMJAS Registration Registration deadlines and presentations dates vary by location, but generally February-March. For details, see Regional Information. If you have questions about the NMJAS program, please contact the director.If you have questions or problems …
Understand how the NM Junior Academy of Science Paper Competition works – eligibility, the process, expectations.
Details for the 2023 New Mexico Junior Academy of Science Research Paper Competition – dates, contacts, and links. Funding for NMJAS is generously provided by Sandia National Labs and the Los Alamos National Lab employees. Thank you!
The 2023 board election is for vice president. This post includes the candidate statement and ballot.
The Outstanding Science Teacher Award given by the New Mexico Academy of Science honors New Mexico science and math educators. The Academy recognizes educators who provide opportunities for students to succeed in science. The award has been given since 1968 and nominations are open to all preK-12 teachers and all Informal Science educators throughout New Mexico. Our two amazing 2022 awardees are Hope Cahill and Colleen Fordyce.
The Coalition for Excellence in Science and Math Education invites you to their 2022 Annual Meeting, Saturday June 4. The featured speaker is Secretary of Education, Dr. Kurt Steinhaus.