Two outstanding educators are honored each year at the annual NMAS meeting with a commemoration, a monetary award, and classroom materials. Each winner and a guest are provided a hotel room, event registration and meal for the annual award ceremony.  This award is augmented by a monetary award from the American Chemical Society (ACS). If you know an outstanding teacher, nominate him or her.

The New Mexico Research Symposium (NMRS) will be hosted in 2024 by the New Mexico Academy of Science (NMAS), held in conjunction with the New Mexico Science Teachers’ Association (NMSTA) Fall Conference, and collaboratively organized with New Mexico’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NM EPSCoR). NMRS is an annual conference with oral presentations, a poster competition, and outstanding teacher awards. The conference is geared to undergraduate and graduate students from New Mexico’s colleges and universities and to science teachers and faculty.

Lynn Brandvold has been elected by the NMAS Board to be a Director Emeritus. This is a non-voting position and she shall serve for life, or until such time as she resigns. A Director Emeritus must have served as a regular voting Director and/or in the position of an officer who has, through his/her service to the Academy, demonstrated considerable contributions.