NMJAS 2023 Regional Competition Information

General links

2023 State and Regional Competition Information

State Director

Lynn Brandvold
Phone (505) 720-3040
Email Lynn.Brandvold@nmt.edu

Manuscripts for State Competition due 5:00 pm on March 31 and PowerPoint presentations are due 12:00 noon on April 12. Email both to Lynn Brandvold.

Statewide oral competition date – April 14, 5:00 pm in Socorro
New Mexico Science and Engineering Fair – April 14-15, 2023

Regional Directors and Competition Details

San Juan (Farmington)
Director: Dr. Jacob Bertrand, San Juan College
Phone (505) 566-3434
Email bertrandj@sanjuancollege.edu
Paper due – February 17
Oral competition date – March 3
San Juan Region Science and Engineering Fair – March 3-4, 2023

Northeastern Region (Las Vegas)
Director: Dr. Maureen Romine, NM Highlands University
Phone (505) 454-3264
Email romine_m@nmhu.edu
Paper due – February 24
Oral competition date – March 11
Northeastern Region Science and Engineering Fair – March 11, 2023

Four Corners (Grants)
Director: Shelby Alexander
Phone (505) 695-0361
Email 4cornersregionalfair@gmail.com
Paper due – March 3
Oral competition date – March 11
Four Corners Regional Fair – March 9-11, 2023

Central Region (Albuquerque) + Southeast and Southwest
Malva Knoll, retired Albuquerque Public Schools
Phone (505) 980-1085
Email knollmalva16@gmail.com 
Paper due – March 6
Oral competition dates – March 16
Central NM STEM Research Challenge – March 21-25, 2023

Southeast (Clovis-Portales)
NMJAS students can compete with Central Region

Southwestern Region (Las Cruces)
NMJAS students can compete with Central Region