Meet the 2024 NMAS Board

New officers were welcomed at the January 2024 NMAS Board meeting.

Elected officers

President – Dr. Diane E Peebles, Sandia National Labs
President-Elect – Dr. David Schultz, Universities Research Association
Vice-President – Dr. Anna Llobet, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Treasurer – Dr. Debra N Thrall, retired
Secretary – Mrs. Malva Knoll, retired
Past President – Dr. Babu Chalamala, Sandia National Labs
Director at Large – Prof. Mubarak Syed, UNM
Director at Large – Dr. Juchao Yan, ENMU

Directors and liaisons

Education – Jayne Aubele, NMMNHS
NMSU – Dr. Cecilia Hernandez
SFCC – Prof. Stephen M. Gómez
AFRL – Dr. Oscar Martinez Jr.

Committees and Administration 

NM Research Symposium – Dr. David Schultz
Membership & Communications – Dr. Anna Llobet
Nomination Committee Dr. Babu Chalamala
National Youth Science Camp – Margaret Showalter
Web Master – Ellen Loehman